Cohort analysis

What does this data table show: Number of first time users for each month and the retention rate for all projects with active user data on Token Terminal.

How it is calculated: We track the number of first time users for each month and the portion of them that have been an active user in the n:th subsequent month.

Why do we show it: Using the data table you are able to get an overview of the number of first time users and retention rates for projects.

Cohort analysis data table:

Crypto screener

What does this data table show: All metrics for all the projects currently live on Token Terminal.

How it is calculated: The calculations are project and metric specific. You can find the methodology used on the project's own dashboard.

Why do we show it: Using the data table users are able to create completely customised data tables based on the projects and metrics they find relevant.

Crypto screener data table:


What does this data table show: The data table shows granular information on ~2,400 fundraising rounds in crypto, with new rounds being added each day. The dashboard is powered by data from Crypto Fundraising.

Why do we show it: It’s important to understand which market sectors and projects have received the most/least funding and from whom.

Why does this matter: Being on top of the funding landscape in one’s industry is an invaluable asset for both investors and operators; know where to source new deals, co-investors, business, etc.

Fundraises data table:

Insider transactions

What does this data table show: Top 1,000 token transfers & DEX trades (based on $ value) for the top 100 tokenholders (based on $ balance) during the past 7 days.

How it is calculated: We track all ERC20 token transfers on Ethereum and filter the transactions based on USD value and transaction type.

Why do we show it: Given the variety of data points, filters, and sorting options, this table is a great tool to quickly discover interesting buyers, sellers, and/or holders.

Insider transactions dashboard:


What does this data table show: Price, outstanding supply and transfer related data for all native stablecoins supported by Token Terminal.

How it is calculated: We track ERC20 token transfers, price and the outstanding supply for each native stablecoin.

Why do we show it: Using the data table you can quickly get an overview of the most important data points related to stablecoins.

Stablecoin data table: